

Cracow Bishops Palace in Kielce

Museums, ethnographic parks

Świętokrzyskie Mountains and the Area
Distances from the Green Velo
0.23 km
Plac Zamkowy 1, 25-010 Kielce
Phone number:
+48 41 344 23 18
Facilities for cyclists

It is considered to be the best-preserved architectural construction in Poland from the Vasa dynasty times. The palace belonged to the Cracovian bishops who owned large estates in the Świętokrzyski region.

The residence founded by bishop Jakub Zadzik (1582-1642) was erected on the  Cathedral Hill. In the years 1637-1644, a one-storied building was raised,  its roofs decorated with towers on roof hips. The design of the Kielce palace is attributed to Thomas Poncino of Lugano (Italy), an author of numerous sacral and lay buildings in Poland. A principle of triple division was applied during the construction of the palace front, supposedly following orders of the founder who was an enemy of the Arian movement  rejecting the dogma of the Trinity

The front yard of the palace was enclosed with walls. There was a grand entrance gate from the city side and a flower and kitchen garden in the backyard. It was known as an Italian garden and had a 17th century layout of flowerbeds. Remodeled in the 18th century, the palace acquired a Baroque appearance with one-storied wings on both sides of the front yard. Orangeries were arranged in the palace garden, while the administration section was provided with stables, coach-houses, manege, granary and brewery. Some of them have survived till the present time.

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Rozwój Polski Wschodniej Europejski Fundusz Rozwoju Regionalnego

Projekt współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Rozwój Polski Wschodniej 2007-2013