

Around Stręgiel Lake


distance(km) height n.m.m.
28.4 km
3:00 hh
for beginners
Trip info:
Approximate driving time with sightseeing
240 min
Highest point
163 m
Lowest point
106 m
Northen Mazury
Leisure Centre PTTK in Węgorzewo
Leisure Centre PTTK in Węgorzewo

The trail of the trip starts on the premises of the resort of the Polish Tourist and Sightseeing Company (PTTK) in Węgorzewo and runs on the promenade towards a castle of the Teutonic Order. Built at the end of the 14th century, the castle was the seat of the prosecutor of the Order. Next to it there is the Church of St. Peter and St. Paul erected at the beginning of the 17th century. It is worth looking at the furnishing of the temple, particularly the oldest organ in Masuria. Then the trail runs beside a military unit and, on the outskirts of the town, passes by a small viaduct over the railroad tracks of the Giżycko – Węgorzewo line, currently transformed into a cycling path, and a military cemetery from the period of World War I, where soldiers killed during the battle at the Masurian lakes in 1914 are buried. The next section of the trail leads towards the Stręgiel village and lake. As in the case of the nearby Stręgielek village, the area includes a beach and convenient access to the lake. In Stręgielek, it is worth noting the pre-war style of farm buildings. The trail runs farther through Pozezdrze. During World War II, the field headquarters of the SS command was located in local forests; in 1945, it was blown up by German minesweepers. The remains of the headquarters, including Heinrich Himmler’s bunker, have survived till today. Beside them information boards are placed, and a natural educational path runs nearby. Then the trail leads to Ogonki along the path formed on the former railroad tracks, passing by marsh wilderness on the way. In the interwar period, Ogonki and Lake Święcajty served as one of the major iceboat centres in Europe. Near the bridge in Ogonki, in the narrow pass between lakes, there is a bunker. A cycling path leads farther to Węgorzewo. At the end of the trip, we recommend riding to the city centre and the Helwing park, through which the Węgorapa river flows. The river is an attractive kayaking trail.

Trail option (32 km):

You can prolong the trail by turning aside to the Kal village situated on the peninsula in front of Węgorzewo – with a cemetery and a monument from the times of World War I on the way – and then riding towards the municipal beach on Lake Mamry. From there, the promenade leads to the PTTK resort in Węgorzewo.

Surface and marking of the trail:


Most of the trail (around 80%) runs along asphalt roads of low intensity traffic and a concrete cube cycling path. The remaining 20% consists of gravel road sections.

On the section from Pozezdrze to Ogonki, the trail overlaps with the blue cycling trail “Blue Ribbon of Lakes.”

Attractions on the trail:

  • Church of Peter and St. Paul in Węgorzewo
  • Museum of Folk Culture in Węgorzewo
  • Helwing Park in Węgorzewo
  • Castle of the Teutonic Order in Węgorzewo
  • Field headquarters of the SS command in Pozedrze

Course of the trail:

  • 0 km – Węgorzewo
  • 2 km – Kalskie Nowiny
  • 4 km – Stręgiel
  • 2 km – Stręgielek
  • 8 km – Pozezdrze
  • 4 km – Ogonki
  • 3 km – Węgorzewo

Tourist Information Office in Węgorzewo

bulwar Loir et Cher 4, 11-600 Węgorzewo, phone 87 42 74 009

Rozwój Polski Wschodniej Europejski Fundusz Rozwoju Regionalnego

Projekt współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Rozwój Polski Wschodniej 2007-2013