


Historical Towns and Villages

At the Vistula Lagoon
Distances from the Green Velo
0.82 km
Świętojańska 1, 82-340 Tolkmicko
Phone number:
55 230 46 82, 55 612 91 71

This is a port city on the Vistula Lagoon, with approximately 2800 residents. It offers a modern yacht port with facilities for tourists (bathrooms, showers, etc.) as well as a fishing port. Vessels from the passenger pier sail to Krynica Morska, a town which is located only 8 kilometres from Tolkmicko.

The city was established in 1299 by the Teutonic Knights. Among the preserved monuments, there is the Old Town, built according to the medieval principles of arrangement, with parts of the old defensive wall and a corner tower from the 14th century, as well as a Gothic church, which was rebuilt multiple times, with a fascinating interior. A 1736 sculpture of St John Nepomucene, the patron saint of travellers, stands in front of the church. Old fishermen houses stand nearby. Near the main town square, the visitors can see the Town Hall, which was rebuild recently, and use viewpoint there. An old train station building from the beginning of the 20th century can be seen near the port, back in the days of old the station was a part of the railways which connected the areas near the Lagoon.

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Rozwój Polski Wschodniej Europejski Fundusz Rozwoju Regionalnego

Projekt współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Rozwój Polski Wschodniej 2007-2013