
Aktuelle Nachrichten

XIV European Cycloturism Week - July 2018, Staszów, Poland

16. März 2018

We would like to cordially invite all European and other cyclists to take part in the XIV European Week of Cycling Tourism.

The event will be hosted by the town of Staszów-the administrative center of the region,and it will take place in the Kurozweki Pałace. The pałace,dating its origines back to the XIV century, is surrounded by a tourist and recreational complex with its main attraction being the American bison breeding unique in Poland.

Why should you come here? The region of Staszów is an ideal place for cycling, notable for its beautiful nature with forests, lakesand rivers and clean, fresh air! Cyclists can choose between varied cycling routes both on quiet asphalt roads as well as forest paths. lf you prefer a ride in a flat area-that's good, but there are also opportunities to push stronger on the pedals while driving on hummocks. Crossing the roads and paths is a great way to meet many high-class historical monuments,e.g. Szydłów surrounded by medieval walls, the Golden Forest Hermitage in Rytwiany or the Krzyżtopór Castle located in the village of Ujazd near Opatów. lt's just a stone's throw to the wonderful city of Sandomierz from here, or the former Benedictine monastery at św. Krzyż.

For the lovers of culinary delights await various regional dishes, such as dumplings of Bogoria or "dzionie" from Raków. You might also taste the regional Slivovitz brandy from Szydłów. There will also be many chances to get to know the culture, enjoy performances of regional bands while having fun dancing to the music.

We are convinced that participation in the XIV Rally UECT in the region of Staszów in 2018 will be a really enjoyable event for everybody and they will definitely want to come back there again!


More infos www.staszow-uect2018.pl www.uect-france.fr


Rozwój Polski Wschodniej Europejski Fundusz Rozwoju Regionalnego

Projekt współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Rozwój Polski Wschodniej 2007-2013