

In the Land of Forgotten Places


distance(km) height n.m.m.
30.9 km
3:10 hh
for intermediate
Trip info:
Approximate driving time with sightseeing
360 min
Highest point
469 m
Lowest point
283 m
Carpathian Plateau

This tour runs, in large part, through the picturesque valley of the San. Attractions such as the remains of the abandoned village Hroszówka, the beautiful wooden Orthodox Church in Ulucz, varied terrain, forests and clean air mean that by choosing this route, you can experience an unforgettable adventure.

The tour begins in the town of Siedliska in the municipality of Nozdrzec on the right side of the San. The route continues south along the San River Line Fortifications Trail. After covering eight kilometres, you reach Jabłonica Ruska. Continuing along the enchanting valley of the San, you pass a farm where fallow deer are bred, and after a few kilometres, you reach the now-abandoned village of Hroszówka. Another village on the route is Ulucz. The next section of the route is the most exhausting. The cycling Trail of Icons leads through the woods to the village of Borownica. In Jawornik Ruski, you will reach the main Green Velo trail, which, further along, reaches the point of both the start and finish of the tour: Siedliska.


  • Siedliska (0,0 km)
  • Jabłonica Ruska (8,0 km)
  • Hroszówka (12,0)
  • Ulucz (14,0 km)
  • Borownica (19,0 km)
  • Jawornik Ruski (22,5 km)
  • Huta Poręby (26,0 km)
  • Siedliska (31 km)

Route options:
An interesting variant of the tour is the route leading from Ulucz to Witryłów by the newly built footbridge for pedestrians and cyclists.


  • Local bituminous roads
  • Jabłonica Ruska – Hroszówka: gravel road, asphalt in several places
  • Ulucz – Borownica: gravel road

The route is marked:

  • The route uses existing bicycle routes: the San River Line Fortifications Trail and the Trail of Icons
  • Jawornik Ruski – Siedliska: Green Velo

Tourist attractions on the route:

  • Jabłonica Ruska – a town, which in 1936 was a big settlement with a population of 760 inhabitants. Most of the population were Greek-Catholic.
  • World War II changed the face of this place. To this day, reinforced concrete bunkers hidden in the forest thickets are silent witnesses of those events.
  • Abandoned village of Hroszówka – like Jabłonica Ruska, in the interwar period, was teeming with life. After of World War II, the village was completely deserted. Relics of the pre-war inhabitants are avenues, orchards and a roadside chapel.
  • Ulucz – the post-war history of the village is connected with the tragic fate of the people living along the borderland. The village was burned and its inhabitants evicted. The most precious memento to the former splendour of the village survived the conflagration: the Orthodox Church. It is located on a hill, so you should leave your bikes at its foot. The temple is one of the loveliest examples of wooden sacred architecture.
Rozwój Polski Wschodniej Europejski Fundusz Rozwoju Regionalnego

Projekt współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Rozwój Polski Wschodniej 2007-2013