


Historical Towns and Villages

Suwałki Region and Augustów Forest
Distances from the Green Velo
14.53 km
Mickiewicza 23, 16-515 Puńsk
Phone number:
87 5161 048

A village in the district of Sejny and the seat of Puńsk Municipality. In the early Middle Ages it was inhabited by the Yotvingians, who left these lands in the thirteenth century. It was not until the Lithuanians and Mazovians arrived in the fifteenth century and began to populate the surrounding areas.

Currently, Puńsk is a prominent centre of Lithuanian culture. Lithuanians living here cultivate their traditions, their native language and cuisine. Puńsk’s must-see attractions include: the parish Basilica of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary from the late nineteenth century, the synagogue and the Ethnographic Museum in the Lithuanian Folk Culture Centre. Since recently, one of the stops on the
Fairytale Route – the Village of Two Masters – can be visited here.

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Rozwój Polski Wschodniej Europejski Fundusz Rozwoju Regionalnego

Projekt współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Rozwój Polski Wschodniej 2007-2013