

Prochownia Terespol

Museums, ethnographic parks

Bug River Valley
ul. Topolowa 6g, 21-550 Terespol
Phone number:
508549062, 798091475
Facilities for cyclists

Prochownia (powder magazine) Terespol was created in 1913 as part of the Terespol Bridgehead within Brest Fortress.

Five years later – in 1918 – Poland regained independence and took it over. Until the outbreak of the Second World War, it remained under the supervision of the Polish Army. Then it ended up into the hands of the Third Reich (Germany). In 1941, it housed the staff of the 45th Infantry Division of the Wehrmacht, in which, among others, Josef Kurt Waldheim, later Secretary-General of the United Nations (1972-1981) and President of Austria (1986-1992), served. After the end of the war, Prochownia returned to Poland. Since then, it was systematically degraded through use as a warehouse and utility building. In 1992, it was entered in the register of monuments. In 2010, the progressing dilapidation was prevented by an informal organisation of regional enthusiasts – the Fortifications and History Lovers Society from Terespol. Year after year, thanks to the support and social commitment of these passionate people, it gradually changed its appearance. From a closed building falling into ruin, Prochownia became a museum open for visitors, serving as an interesting lesson in history. So far, several exhibitions have been hosted there: - the room of the Polish Legions and the 3rd May Constitution - a railway exhibition (History of the Warsaw-Terespol Railway) - an ethnographic exhibition - a military exhibition - an aviation and crafts exhibition. The Society not only prepares exhibitions, takes care of the site and exhibits, but it also shares its members’ expertise. Our guides turn into craftsmen when their service is needed. Whether it’s tidying up, renovation or innovation, their work is carried out on a volunteer basis – without remuneration.

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Rozwój Polski Wschodniej Europejski Fundusz Rozwoju Regionalnego

Projekt współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Rozwój Polski Wschodniej 2007-2013