


Historical Towns and Villages

Northen Mazury
Distances from the Green Velo
0.84 km
Srokowo, 11-420 Srokowo
Phone number:
89 754 45 20

Once a town, this village is located at the foot of Diabelska Góra (“Devil's Mountain”, rising 156 m above sea level), from which there is a wide view to the east and west. Srokowo is situated in the immediate vicinity of the Great Masurian Lakes district. The current name of the town comes from 1950 and honours Stanisław Srokowski, an outstanding geographer, researcher of Eastern Prussia, the Polish Consul to Königsberg, and after World War II, the President of the Commission for the Determination of Place Names.

In 1405, Srokowo was granted municipal rights. The architecture of the place with the market square, a Baroque town hall and a granary, tells of its past as a town. Near the market square, there is a Gothic parish church. It features one nave, even though the wooden interior design, supported by pillars, divides the space into three parts. In 1945, the municipal rights were lost in Srokowo due to the extensive wartime damage to buildings. The locality is a convenient starting point for tourists looking to see the former manor houses of wealthy landlords in Jegławki and Skandławki. Bird lovers will surely enjoy a bike trip to the Oświn Lake Reserve (or “Seven Islands”), which is about 10 kilometres away. At the west bank of the lake, there is a hill that is ideal for observation of waterfowl.


Srokowo Commune Office
Plac Rynkowy
111-420 Srokowo

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Rozwój Polski Wschodniej Europejski Fundusz Rozwoju Regionalnego

Projekt współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Rozwój Polski Wschodniej 2007-2013