

The Leżajsk Land


distance(km) height n.m.m.
33.2 km
3:00 hh
for intermediate
Trip info:
Approximate driving time with sightseeing
300 min
Highest point
246 m
Lowest point
192 m
Sandomierz Province and Lower San Valley

The suggested trip allows you to see a combination of the charming corners of the Leżajsk Land and to get to know the unique history of this part of the Subcarpathian Province. The route starts in a place famous for some as the cult of Tzadik Elimelech, for others it is for organ, and to others it is associated with the name of a very popular drink...

The route begins in the town of Leżajsk, which is a very important pilgrimage point both for Orthodox Jews and Catholics. From Leżajsk, the route runs a short distance through Giedlarowa to Grodzisko Górne. Covering this distance of the trip, on the left side, you can see fields in which tobacco is cultivated. The next place on the trail is located on the edge of ethnographic regions: the Lasowicki, the Łańcucki and the Przeworski – Grodzisko Dolne. This unique location contributes to the development of local folklore. Further on, you should head for Opaleniska and Zmysłówka.

From the landscape perspective, this fragment of the route is without a doubt the most attractive. At road junctions, you must pay attention to signs with the names of the next destinations. After riding about 25 kilometres, the loop closes with the crossing of Grodzisko Górne. The trail coincides with that ridden today in the opposite direction and ends at the starting point.


  • Leżajsk - 0,0 km
  • Giedlarowa - 1,0 km
  • Grodzisko Górne - 8,0 km
  • Grodzisko Dolne - 10,5 km
  • Opaleniska - 15,5 km
  • Zmysłówka -16,5 km
  • Wólka Grodziska - 22,5 km
  • Grodzisko Górne - 25,0 km
  • Giedlarowa - 32,0 km
  • Leżajsk -33,0 km

Route options:

This trip is worth a slight extension – you can head north (for about 2 km) to see one of the most valuable monuments of its type in Poland and Europe: the organs in the Basilica of the Annunciation of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary in the Bernardine monastery.

Surface and marking:

  • Wholly asphalt roads
  • The route is not marked

Tourist atractions on the trial:

  • Leżajsk – a city of pilgrimage for Orthodox Jews and Catholics. Before World War II, a section of its inhabitants were Jews. As a result of the turmoil of war, the Jewish community left behind only memories of these oldest inhabitants along with a cemetery.
  • The grave of Tzadik Elimelech: every year, Jews from around the world make a pilgrimage to the tomb of the famous tzadik – a sage and spiritual leader of Polish Hasids.
  • The Basilica of the Annunciation of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary and the Monastery of the Bernardines – the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Consolation – a place of pilgrimage and the lower basilica, the building of the monastery and a fortification system with towers. In the temple, there are some of the most beautiful and precious organs in Poland and Europe. The International Festival of Organ and Chamber Music is organised here.
  • Leżajsk Museum – a museum with an exhibition of brewing and an ethnographic toy exhibition.
Rozwój Polski Wschodniej Europejski Fundusz Rozwoju Regionalnego

Projekt współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Rozwój Polski Wschodniej 2007-2013