


Historical Towns and Villages

Warmia and the Area
Distances from the Green Velo
0.01 km
Bohaterów Warszawy 96
Phone number:
89 762 98 80

This is a city on the River Łyna which has 26,000 residents, and which received its city privileges in 1332. Its name, Bartoszyce, comes from the name of the Old Prussian Bartian, tribe which lived in this region, hundreds of years ago.

The Old Town can be entered via the Gothic Lidzbarska Gate, which was built in the 14th century. Two Gothic churches were preserved from the medieval period: the Church of St John the Evangelist in the Old Town, and the Church of St John the Baptist in the northern part of the modern city. Among its preserved monuments which are a reminder of the Bartoszyce’s long history, the city also retains its medieval layout, as well as granaries built at the turn of the 19th century. There are two monuments in the city centre, known as the “Prussian Women” (baby pruskie) – unique artefacts of pre-Teutonic tribal culture. In order to get to the castle hill, visitors will have to cross a bridge over the River Łyna. The hill which formerly housed the castle is currently the site of a war cemetery from 1914, with the graves of soldiers who fought against Russia and who fell during the war. A total of 92 people were buried there. A school complex built in the 19th century is also very impressive thanks to its interesting architectural design. It can be found near the road that leads to the nearby border crossing in Bezledy.

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Rozwój Polski Wschodniej Europejski Fundusz Rozwoju Regionalnego

Projekt współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Rozwój Polski Wschodniej 2007-2013